ERICA SUMMERLIN: Erica Bava Summerlin has been involved in the dance industry for over 30 years. She has danced her way across the country from California to North Carolina and everywhere in between. During her years as an award winning competition dancer, she was also a competitive gymnast, high school cheerleader, actress and choreographer for…
Official Judges for 2020 Virtual World Championship Tap Series
MARK ORSBORN (USA): Mark Orsborn is a tap dancer, teacher, and choreographer from Washington, DC. Mark grew up training as a member of the pre-professional tap company “Tappers With Attitude” and is a former soloist with the Tap America Project (TAP). Mark co-founded his company, The JaM Project, in 2007 and has been recognized by…
Fort Mill, SC – LiveStream
Tune in to our Live Stream from Fort Mill, SC. Featuring the BEST dance studios!
KAR LIVE! – SAN GABRIEL, CA (August 21-23)
Tune in to our Live Stream from San Gabriel, CA. Featuring the BEST dance studios in Southern California!
KAR Live! – San Gabriel, CA
Tune in to our Live Stream from San Gabriel, CA. Featuring the BEST dance studios in Southern California!
Kids Artistic Revue is so excited to announce we are adding to our Virtual Tour! This fall we are introducing a new type of event, the VIRTUAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. Want to be the Grand Champion of your style?! Here’s what you need to know! There will be 4 different style competitions to choose from…
Omaha, NE – Merch On-site Pickup NOW AVAILABLE!!
We’re excited to announce on-site pickup for our Omaha, NE regional. Click here to visit our online store and choose Omaha at checkout for on-site pickup. 🤩