Kids Artistic Revue is proud to announce that we will be awarding a graduating senior with a National Graduating Senior Scholarship at each one of our National Finals!


If you are a graduating senior and competing at one of our National Finals, we want to know why you deserve the prestigious scholarship. Please see the criteria below.

Applicants must be:

  • Current high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in the United States;
  • Anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of application;
  • Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution;
  • Attending a Dance Studio that is participating in a 2015 KAR National Finals;
  • Carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school.
  • We will award the scholarship winner during our spectacular Star Showcase. 

To all graduating seniors, KAR is ecstatic to see you leap into your bright future!

Apply here:


Good luck to all applicants!
